Photography is my art. And the art and the energy of the Divine/Mother Gaia is what I seek to dance with in my photos.
Wise woman, teacher, and colleague, Jill Miller (Quantum Union/Twin Flame Healers) believes that some of us are—what New Age theorists call—Blueprinter Souls. Blueprinters are “advanced souls that incarnated here to activate, maintain, adjust, and heal Mother Earth’s Divine Energetic Blueprint.” Blueprinters have incarnated with a heartfelt (but often trauma-buried and forgotten) mission to be caregivers, healers, inventors, template clearers, noticers of beauty, lovers of the Divine in nature and each other, and “repairers of the breach” in religious and spiritual traditions, political systems, key earth grid points, and beloved communities.

Some of us are energized by seeking justice and caring for others. Some are energized by walking in nature and meditating in our favorite spots—perhaps at our living room altars, in our favorite pews, or halfway across the globe where our ancestors came from. Some care for beloved animals, and we may watch, feed, and love the birds every morning through our kitchen windows. Some of us are reimagining religious traditions and repairing the damage and spiritual trauma they have caused. Some of us have chosen (without remembering or only vaguely remembering why) to live in particular places—near ley-lines, bodies of water, fault systems, or mountain ranges. Others understand intuitively, as Susan Vreeland points out, that “the place where we stand at any moment is holy ground.” Yet others make pilgrimage to various places to be transformed and to soak in and give Mother Earth, and each other, energy (and perhaps to take back what we may have left behind). We also heal ancestral lines in our families, heal ancestral lines in our spiritual traditions, help amplify and awaken ancient earth energies, and (and even without realizing it) carry or connect energy to other places or bring it back with us to the place we call home.

Post-Twin Flame/Ascension awakening, I have realized that I have been doing many of these things since I was a child.
Through my photos, I am lifting up the energy, beauty, and power of place, which Celtic scholar Nigel Pennick calls “anima loci.” These anima loci may include energetic vortexes, pilgrimage spots, ancient community ritual sites, breathtaking national parks, ancestral ruins, cathedral sanctuaries, or impromptu inner-city altars after a police shooting.

Many of my photos come from the places of my deep spiritual rooting.
I have powerful energetic connections to the Southwestern US (Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado) and to Mt. Shasta/the Shasta Trinity Wilderness in Northern California. I also presently make my home at the confluence of seven significant fault lines in the Bay Area near San Francisco, and I have frequent (strange) dreams about tending the complex, multidimensional geology along the Pacific Ocean in the Ring of Fire. My ancestral lines are filled with tornado, flood, coal, and uranium mining earth-trauma, which I am now working to heal and clear, especially as I advocate for earth and climate justice. I have also grown from the opportunity to soak in and work with the ley lines and powerful energy of the Neolithic (and older/newer) power places in the United Kingdom. I am especially drawn to the Michael/Mary, and Belinius/Elen ley lines that intertwine and connect ancient community power grids, sanctuaries, standing stones, barrows, and beacon hills in England and Scotland. I hope, as you enjoy my photos, that you will also feel the transformative energy of these Holy Places. Perhaps you will start thinking about the places, people, communities, and causes that are sacred to you and feel something stirring in your heart, causing you to wonder if you might also be a Blueprinter Soul.